Pixies are "... generally benign, mischievous, short of stature, and attractively childlike."

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kid Mystery #1

Huh? What? Err...

I mean, how does this even happen?

I swear they weren't like this a couple of weeks ago. 
Does she walk on her toes all day? 
Does she get hungry and chew on them for a snack?
She says it's from the mulch on the playground.
It still doesn't make sense unless there are mice living in the mulch 
that come out and nibble on her shoes while she's in a gossip session with her friends.
(Because some serious drama goes down on the kindergarten playground, let me tell you!)

This is her second pair of tennis shoes this school year and we aren't done yet. 
Not to mention she has ten other pairs of glitter shoes, Mary Janes, boots, and
 assorted sandals they alternate with.

I tried to rationalize making them work for the six or so weeks we have left.
Let's face it, she'll be bare foot or in flip flops all summer anyway.
If you'll look at the arrows below, you can see the possibilities:

1) Great ventilation. The girl has sweaty feet anyway. Like, bad.
2) Surely I could color over this with a black permanent marker.
I do it on her black boots every time she wears them.
(apparently it's a not so permanent marker)
3) Secret Hiding Place! Pennies, notes, rollie pollies or lady bugs...
The possibilities are endless.

*Sigh* I guess not. 

- Michelle -

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate. Not from the mother side, but from the girl with holey shoes side. And I've yet to grow out of it. I wear my shoes to work and church (and the occassional shopping trip), and go barefoot everywhere else. I usually even take my shoes off during those outings. But you'd never know it from the state of my shoes...I go through about three pairs a year. All with soles missing by the time I retire them. So...you probably have several more years of holes. :)
